you are welcome to invite me to your festival/event/community
Cultivating Sexual Desire (lecture)

After so many years of exploration, this is the subject I have explored most. The knowledge and tools I collected over the years will help you to understand the nature of sexual drive, how to cultivate it, and how to deal with gaps in sexual desire between partners. I focus mainly on female sexual desire, but all information is relevant to males, as well.
Time: 1-1.5 hours

Let's Talk About Sex (workshop)

Put away the books and magazines. Let’s learn and get inspired from each other. Allow yourself to listen, share, and ask questions about everything you wish to know about sexuality. This workshop is light, funny, and inspiring, and it connects people together. It allows us to reduce the shame we feel when we talk about sex. It is a great opportunity to discover that you are not alone and to find more things in common. Working in small groups and using questionnaires about relationships, intimacy, communication, and sexuality, we will get to know ourselves and each other better.
This workshop can be very daring or very mellow, depending on the participants involved.
Time: 1.5 hours

Women’s Circle on Orgasm (workshop, women)

Men are invited to be blindfolded guests.
So how does it really work? As we all know, each woman is different. So what is your personal story with orgasms?
This workshop is an opportunity for you to share from your experience, ask questions, and be inspired by others about female orgasm, multi-orgasms, female pleasure, pain, and dealing with sexual issues. It is a place to learn from each other, straight from personal experience.
Optional: Men may be invited to join this workshop as blindfolded guests and just listen, giving them a glimpse of our inner world and helping them to understand us better and love us more.
Time: 1.5-2 hours

Men’s Circle on Orgasm (workshop, men)

Women are invited to be blindfolded guests.
Let’s talk straight about sex. Ask questions and share from your own experience about male orgasm, multi-orgasm, separating orgasm from ejaculation, being a lover, self-pleasure, dealing with challenges, and anything else you wish to know more about sex—not from books, but from real life.
Optional: Women may be invited to join this workshop as blindfolded guests and just listen, giving them a glimpse of your inner world and helping them to understand you better and love you more.
Time: 1.5-2 hours

Conscious Communication & Boundaries:

The Art of Saying “No” (workshop)

Most people find it hard to say “no”, or hear “no”, and this challenge can really shape our lives. This workshop allows us to repattern our nervous system. By saying the “no” we didn’t say before, and learning how to say the “no” of today, we create new patterns of healthy boundaries and strengthen our ability to communicate easily and clearly.
Time: 2.5 hours

Cuddle Zone (workshop)

We invite you to experience a space where you can explore and play, learn straight communication, practice knowing and following your personal boundaries, and experience non-sexual loving touch.
This is an opportunity to explore different kinds of “receiving touch” and “giving touch”, while also being attentive to your boundaries and needs and doing only what feels right for you at any given moment.
This practice allows us to be released from the shame, guilt, and fear we often have around our desires and limits and gives us the opportunity to experience amazing, loving, and nourishing touch.
This event is inspired by Cuddle Party™ events, founded by Reid Mihalko and Marcia Baczynski.
Time: 2.5-3.5 hours

Especially for Women:

The Red Tent: Life & Death (workshop, women only)

In ancient times, all the women of the tribe gathered together once a month to receive the gifts of their menstrual blood. It was a time of great wisdom and nourishment. A time to let go of everything that no longer served them and receive new downloads of transformation. A time to be held in a tribe of women and share their heart stories.
In this workshop, we will recreate the red tent experience, dive into personal meditation of death and rebirth that we have inherited through the wisdom of nature’s cycles, and nourish each other with loving touch.
Women of all ages welcome, bleeding or not.
Optional: Nudity and non-sexual touch.
Time: 2.5 hours

The Woman’s Cycle: Connecting to Our Rhythm (workshop or lecture)

A fascinating talk about the female body, cycle and hormones. We will delve deep into how our cycles affect our lives and relationships. We will learn how to understand ourselves and our patterns and become more aware of our personal rhythms. We will also learn natural steps for balancing our hormonal systems.
Optional: This workshop can be women-only or mixed.
Time: 1.5 hours

Womb Massage (workshop)

Women from many traditions have a practice of womb and abdominal massage for improving fertility, hormonal balance, well-being, and health. It’s so amazing how different places in the world hold such similar practices. In this workshop, we will learn how to massage ourselves or each other. We will connect to our bodies, relax our nervous systems, and dive deep into listening to our belly, pelvic area, womb and ovaries.
This workshop can be great for women who don’t have female sex organs but wish to connect to their energetic presence.
Time: 2-3 hours

Daring (include nudity and touch):

Meditative Butt Massage (workshop, pairs only)

My favorite massage for deep meditation and relaxation. This massage allows us to release our most tense area, and through this, also release shame and conditionings. A nourishing, detoxing massage without penetration and with lots of love. By receiving so much love in the very place where we tend to hold so much shame and tension, we can walk differently on this earth.
Includes: Nudity and touch. Pairs only (from all genders).
Time: 2-3 hours

OraLove (workshop)

How can we experience mouth orgasm? How can we experience throat orgasm? How can we experience mouth orgasms while giving fellatio?
This workshop can be given either to couples or individuals.
Couples: One member of the couple gives fellatio to the other.
Individuals: Each person practices on their own, self-pleasuring themselves with their own hands.
People who don’t wish to practice can stay for the introduction and then leave.
Includes: Nudity, genital touch, and mouth touch.
Time: 1-2 hours

Your Pleasure Is In Your Hands (workshop)

A temple space for exploring pleasure. The first part deals with creating a safe space and involves giving and receiving touch or energetic healing to relax and feel nourished. The second part can be a more experiential temple practice or a talking circle. It deals with exploring the secrets of self-pleasure, and is a place where we can share our secrets, tricks, and techniques for self-lovemaking.
This workshop can also be women-only, men-only or mixed.
Optional: Nudity and touching others.
Time: 2.5 hours

Making Love to All Our Parts (workshop)

Sex is not just one specific thing, limited to certain movements and emotions. In this workshop, we will explore how to make love with different emotions, places, and parts of ourselves and others.
This workshop explores the energetic world of lovemaking. It can be women-only or mixed. The workshop can be a personal journey or through encounters with others.
Optional: Nudity and touching others.
Time: 1.5 hours

Breathwork Workshops:

Breath, Pleasure & Pain (workshop)

This workshop is a journey into yourself. Release tension from your pelvis and genitals and open your body using breath, sound, touch, and movement.
Optional: Self-genital touch and nudity.
Time: 1.5-2 hours

Tantric Breath (workshop)

Breath is the key. Breath is like the gas to the fire.
It allows us to open—to open our hearts, expand our sensitivity, and change our state of consciousness. It opens stuckness and connects us to life force and vitality.
In this workshop, we will learn breath techniques to practice by ourselves or with our partners, during the day or during lovemaking
This workshop can be customized for individuals or couples.
Time: 1.5-2 hours

Chakra Toning (workshop)

In this workshop, we play with our voices to balance, expand, and connect to our chakras and other body parts. Using sound vibrations, we tap into our bodies and souls, and allow for gentle breathwork, meditation, and prayer to open us up to the flow of energy.
This workshop can be done in individuals or pairs.
Time: 1.5 hours

Windows of Listening (workshop)

I love to imagine my body as being made up of different points, like drawers or windows, that I can listen to. When I listen to my body, it can express the stuck energy it holds: Unprocessed emotions, unspoken words, places asking for acknowledgement.
Through our presence and loving attention, we can clear our bodies and allow ecstatic life energy to flow within us.
We will work in pairs to support each other in the process.
Time: 2.5 hours